1·The term"theme"in Functional Grammar is originated from the Prague School.
2·Being a member of the Prague School, Buhler together with his functional theory did not receive much attention.
3·Wellek's theory was shaped by the theories of Russia Formalism and Prague School and Ingarden's aesthetic theory.
4·Markedness theory is advanced by the Prague School and its key concept is marked-ness, which refers to a phenomenon of opposition and asymmetry.
5·The most extraordinary achievement of the Prague School is the clear distinction between phonetics and phonology and the establishment of phonology.
它最大的功绩是把语音学和音位学分开 ,并创建了“音位学” ,布拉格学派对形态学的理论研究是与句法学对立的。
6·Markedness theory, one of the fundamental theories of structuralist linguistics, was put forward by the Prague school in their study of phonemic oppositions.
7·The Prague School practiced a special style of synchronic linguistics and its most important contribution to linguistics is that is sees language in terms of function.
该学派有一种独特的共时语言 学研究风格,对语言学最重要的贡献是 从“功能”角度来看待语言。
8·Since it originated with the Prague School, markedness theory has been an important theory in different sub-disciplines of linguistics, and has been applied to other research fields.
9·Abstract: Since it originated with the Prague School, markedness theory has been an important theory in different sub-disciplines of linguistics, and has been applied to other research fields.
10·The linguistics Circle of Prague, one of the great linguistics school in the 20th century, has extensive and widespread influence.
作为2 0世纪语言学的一大流派,布拉格学派的理论具有广泛的影响和多维的启迪。